Flowers Flower Bouquet



A beautiful bouquet of fresh seasonal mixed blooms, colourful, fragrant, beautifully wrapped and ribboned. The best addition to a gift voucher to impresses your loved ones.


Finding a perfect present for that special person in your life could be stressful, let us make it simple by choosing one of our great packages.

Please choose from one of our delivery options, you can also choose the gift voucher with the bouquet of beautiful flowers.

We offer the next delivery options:
– PDF e-voucher sent to you or the recipient via email.
– Gift voucher with courier delivery
– Pick up option
– Gift voucher +  flowers (standard bouquet) and courier delivery Auckland wide (with a total value of $79 for the flowers and delivery)

Any order over $500 delivery FREE.

Our flowers could also be arranged and customized especially to your order so that you or your recipient will receive the freshest and beautiful bouquet possible.
To arrange your special bouquet please enquire via e-mail or over the phone.

Please allow 2-3 working days for delivery. Orders placed on a Friday will be processed on a Monday.

In few words...

Escape is a spa and beauty clinic that offers unique services that are customized to each client’s needs. We believe the body is amazing and given the right tools is able to heal itself naturally.

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In few words...

Escape is a spa and beauty clinic that offers unique services that are customized to each client’s needs. We believe the body is amazing and given the right tools is able to heal itself naturally.

About Escape
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Connect with us through social media. Follow Escape Spa | Beauty Clinic on social media to keep up-to-date with the latest company news, research highlights and benefit from a range of our services.

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Escape Spa & Beauty Clinic © 2019 All Rights Reserved. Website designed by